What are Online Casino Bonuses?


Online casino bonuses are usually very lucrative but also very risky. Which should you choose? There are quite a few things to consider when choosing which bonus to apply first.

With such high risks, online casinos offer players huge gains. These games also require less skill compared to other gambling games and are much easier to learn. In addition, every now and then new online casinos will come out promising massive amounts of money for newcomers.

What are Online Casino Bonuses?

An online casino bonus is an added benefit that many gamblers use as part of their wagering requirements. Such a bonus can take the form of free money or it could be something else entirely like extra spins on slots. The terms used can vary from one player to another even though most refer to them as “bonus”.

To get these bonuses players need to make a deposit into the account. Once this happens they will receive an email with information about the bonus and how to claim it. As soon as the player makes any withdrawals off his balance they lose access to the bonus and have to wait until the conditions are met before receiving it again.

How Are Players Compensated For Using Online Casinos?

Depending upon the type of game they play at a specific online casino site, players may be compensated for using the casino. If a player bets with real cash he might win some more of it and if a player uses his credit card to purchase credits in the casino, he can earn points towards future deposits. This is not always the case but many sites do reward all types of players with points and free money.

Casino Bonus Payout Methods – How Do They Work?

The way that online casino bonuses work varies greatly between different gaming platforms. Some allow a player to play through a series of promotional offers while others only give free money once per month.

Regardless of what kind of bonus the player receives, the process is almost the same. First the player takes an amount of cash from his bank account. Then they place the bet according to what they want to do. Next they click the button to start playing and if they win, the casino pays out the amount the player has wagered plus any additional money they placed. 

When the player loses they forfeit any money that was won plus pay back whatever they lost. Many websites have time limits for both winning and losing so if a player wins within those parameters they keep the winnings and if they don’t they lose those funds.

What are Wagering Requirements?

Wagering requirements are how often a gambler must place wagers in order to take advantage of a casino bonus. Most bonuses require certain times which means that after accepting a particular promotion, a player needs to meet a specific requirement in order to continue to redeem that bonus.

Typically these requirements are set around wagering 10x, 20x and 30x the total deposit amount. This means that if a player gives $100 to an online casino a $10 bonus would need to be redeemed three times in order for that player to get the full value of the bonus. That seems pretty strict but if you don’t have enough money deposited into your account to cover the cost of the bonus, then that is just the way life works.

Advantages of Online Casino Bonuses

There are several reasons why people prefer to play at casinos online compared to land based ones. One reason is because they can gamble anywhere, anytime without having to travel long distances. Another big plus is that the games are much faster when played online although internet connections can still slow down.

Another popular incentive for playing online is that there are no crowds and sometimes more variety of slot titles. Also due to fewer restrictions, online gambling tends to appeal to players who enjoy the thrill of betting large amounts of cash. While this risk factor isn’t eliminated completely, it is significantly lessened compared to traditional brick and mortar casinos since there are no physical locations where you can walk up to the counter and hand over hundreds of dollars in cash.

Also, playing on-line has its benefits because, unlike most bricks and mortar casinos, there aren’t any annoying popups cluttering up your screen or distracting noises from slot machines. On line gambling also usually involves lower house edges than their land based counterparts.

However, it’s important to recognize that the advantages of playing online outweigh the disadvantages by quite a margin.


The above mentioned facts clearly show that the best thing about online casinos is being able to play online from any computer with an internet connection. However, one thing that should not be overlooked is that while it makes sense to download software before playing, the first step in finding the best online casino should be done wisely.

As mentioned earlier, each site will have different bonus policies and some may even offer you the chance to double check them for yourself. Once you find a reputable casino, make sure to put as many bets as possible through all available promotions. The last thing you want to do is get stuck with nothing to show for it and have to wait months to get another shot.